
Last updated -

Use /upgrade in your server and pick the perfect plan for you.

Payments are made in ADA and are processed automatically within 2 minutes. Cancel anytime!

Tier Overview

Upon using the command, you will see your current plan info, as well as a list of features on that plan.

The /upgrade command - tiers overview

You can use the first row of buttons to navigate between different plans to compare features.

The /upgrade command - choose a plan

Upgrading / Extending your plan

Once you've chosen a plan you like, click on the menu in the 2nd row ("Extend your plan" or "Upgrade to the.."). You will then be able to choose the duration you would like to upgrade your server for or extend your current plan for.

The /upgrade command - choose duration

Then, follow the bot's payment instructions to activate your plan.

The /upgrade command - send payment

Once your payment has been received, the bot will automatically activate your plan and send you a DM.

Discount Codes

Found a sweet, sweet discount code from a friend or Lovelace.Tools partner? Apply it using the Add Discount Code button!

The /upgrade command - discount code added

Once added, your pricing will automatically get updated!

The /upgrade command - reduced pricing

Keep in mind that Discount codes may have an expiration date, and that they may have restrictions on:

  • The number of times it can be used
  • Which tiers it can be used on
  • The duration of the tier

Plan Renewal & Expiration

Lovelace.Tools only accepts ADA as payment method, and is therefore not able to charge you automatically. This is great: you never have to worry about a false charge or forgetting to cancel your subscription!

You can renew or extend your subscription at any time by using the /upgrade command.

The bot will automatically inform you when your plan is about to expire or when it has expired.

The /upgrade command - expired


Require an invoice?

You may request a commercial invoice by sending an email titled 'Requesting Invoice' to [email protected] within 7 days after your purchase. Please include the following information:

  • Name of Product or Service
  • Relevant transaction identification information
  • Identification information of the User or business entity for the invoice
  • Full Legal (Entity) Name
  • Full Legal or Registered Address
  • Business identification number, if applicable
  • VAT ID, if applicable
  • Email

Lovelace.Tools may require additional proof of purchase before creating an invoice. The invoice will be in Euro. If payment occured via cryptocurrency, the exchange rate at close of the day of payment will be used.

Features overview

To view the full overview of Lovelace.Tools' paid tiers features, head on over to our pricing page.

The /upgrade command - plans

You can find our terms of sale here.

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