
Last updated -

Easily link your Cardano wallet address to your Discord account and share with your favorite projects.

Projects can choose to award you with HolderRoles or other perks. You stay in control which servers can see your wallets: unshare or remove wallets at any time.

The /verify command

Begin by using the /verify command in Discord. This will initiate the verification process with Lovelace.Tools, which is a system that uses Lovelace.Tools Connect to verify Cardano Wallets. You'll see a confirmation message indicating that you are verified, and it will list any wallets shared with the current server, as well as those not shared.

Use the buttons at the bottom to add a new wallet or edit previously linked wallets.

The /verify command - No wallets linked
The /verify command - Wallets linked

Adding a wallet

To add a wallet, you will be provided with three methods. The first method is to sign online using Lovelace.Tools Connect. The second method is sending a specific amount of ADA to a verification wallet, and the third is sending ADA to your own wallet. Each method has detailed instructions to follow.

The /verify command - adding a wallet

When your wallet was linked succesfully, you will receive an automated message. You can check which wallets you have linked at any time by running the /verify command.

The /verify command - Succesfully verified a wallet

Method 1: Signing online

If you have an extension-based wallet like Nami, Eternl or Typhon, the easiest method to link your wallet is by using the Sign Online method.

Simply click on the Sign online button to go to the Lovelace.Tools Connect platform. Then, login with your Discord account, sign with your wallet and approve the sharing of your wallet address.

The /verify command - signing online

Method 2: Sending ADA to our verification wallet (Fast)

If you don't have an extension-based wallet, the easiest method to verify is by sending a small amount of ADA to the Lovelace.Tools verification wallet.

Simply click the Get verification address button and send the exact amount of ADA to the address using your Cardano wallet. Lovelace.Tools will automatically recognize your transaction and verify you in the server.

The /verify command - sending ADA to verification wallet

Note that the ADA is used to facilitate a smooth process and is not sent back to the user.

Method 3: Sending ADA to your own wallet (Slow)

Lastly, you can verify by sending the exact same amount of ADA to your own wallet. In this case, Lovelace.Tools will not be able to automatically recognize the transaction. Therefore, you will need to click the Paste TX Hash button and submit the transaction hash in the provided field.

When you click Submit, the bot will check the provided transaction and verify your wallet.

The /verify command - pasting a TX hash

Editing your wallets

If you need to manage your linked wallets, you can edit your connections. This interface allows you to share or unshare wallets, set a primary wallet, or remove a wallet entirely.

The /verify command - editing your wallets

Admin Set-up

If you are a server admin, please head over to /verification to learn how you can set-up verification in your own server.

Head over to /holderroles to set-up automatic role rewards for verified users.


Throughout the process, remember that Lovelace.Tools only requires your public wallet address and not your seed phrase or other sensitive information. This ensures your security while allowing you to participate in the HolderRoles within the server.

NEVER SHARE YOUR SEEDPHRASE, not even with your mom!

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