
Last updated -

Let your members verify their wallet in seconds using our custom online verification portal or using our built-in manual method.

As a server admin, you can:

  • Set-up verification with /verification
  • Export a list of all members' wallets with /verification (super useful for whitelists!)
  • Inspect member's wallets with /wallet
  • Award roles based on asset ownership, ADA holdings or pool delegation with /holderroles
The /verification command

Sending a verification message

Click the Send Verification Message to.. menu to send out a generic verification message to a public channel of your choosing.

The /verification command - Sending verification message

The verification message includes all the instructions on how members can verify their Cardano wallet in your server. Members can easily start the verification process by clicking the Verify button.

The /verification command - Verification message

Members can also verify using the /verify command.

Setting the wallet verified role

To discern members who have shared their Cardano wallet with your server, you can set up a Wallet Verified role using the Set Wallet Verified role.. menu.

Simply click the menu and start typing the name of the role you want to give to members who have shared their wallet. Then click the role to select.

The /verification command - Setting verified role

Members will now automatically receive this role after having linked their wallet with your server. When they stop sharing their wallet with your server, the role will automatically be removed.

Manage Verified Wallets

Generate a spreadsheet with all verified users and their wallet address(es), discord ID, roles and more: simply click the Generate Export button.

The /verification command - Manage Verified Wallets

This is super handy for building a whitelist!

  • It contains member's roles, so you can allocate a specific number of mint spots depending on which roles they have
  • It contains all their shared addresses with stake key, and separates their primary address, so you can whitelist only their main wallet

For a seamless integration, we recommend using our parther BraveLabs to organize your project's mint.

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